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Tia · (248)265-5322 · Indiana Escort

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Hi there!

To see where I am at the time of your inquiry or if I'm coming to a city near you, please check my schedule from the ITINERARY section of my web site (which has future listings of my schedule as well as my current location.) This can be found at tia-travels (with the d ot co m added afterward). There, you can find other contact info. and learn more about me.

If you don't see your city on my schedule at all at the time you check, please feel free to introduce yourself & suggest I visit your town. It's always nice to make a new friend. Perhaps one day, we might meet!

I visit the following states (in no particular order): IL, IN, MI, OH, PA, NY (UPSTATE), CT, MA, VA, FL, ND, SD, IA, VT, NH, TX, OK, NM, NE, TN, LA, KY, KS, MS, and maybe a few others I will throw in here and there or I've forgotten just now.

To schedule something with me, please contact me thru here, my web site's reservation form, my email, or call. If you just joined P411 and have no immediate vouches listed, but DO have references from the last 12 months, you can still contact me. Just let me know who those ladies are and how to contact them, which month you met and which city.

I hope to hear from you soon!


p.s. Please do not gift me points here. Gas station gift card is a better choice.

Email address: 
Phone Number: 

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